Sunday 6 September 2009

Sunday 9 August 2009

I wrote an album called 'The Animal', which comes out next month.
So, reviews and interviews and that kind of thing have begun to appear.
And something that is really annoying me, is the constant mention of it being a slow album - like I made some kind of mistake, like I accidentally mixed out the synth lines and distorted guitars, like I should maybe aspire next time to make something a little more like The Klaxons, Kings of Leon or Foals.

Saturday 8 August 2009


The trouble with me and America

I eat far too much when I'm here.
Food is so cheap and everywhere.
My body is as a barrel now.
And not an empty one.
This morning I had Tiramasu coffee. I made black coffee into a dessert.
Guilt filled breakfast.
Want to see something shocking? This woman is called Paula Deen. She will kill America long before nuclear missiles even get close.
Sick sick sick lady.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

True Love Will find You In The End

Ducks on our deck

Its early morning... the middle of America. Somewhere towards the shoes actually, perhaps the knees. The knees of America.
Last night I heard coyotes singing 'Come on over here' to the cows, crickets playing their legs for the moon, and the air conditioning humming throughout the house. I laid in bed thinking about the distance between here and home, and how the night air smells like wet soil and engine oil.